Friday, December 14, 2007

~ Eric Knutson, Life is a journey...

Coming home from a long journey (kind of a Walkabout) I visited Lori and Fam. in her Antioch home last summer. It was a fine warm sunny afternoon, kids playing on the swing and swimming in the water. It was Jacqui's (the friend across the street) birthday and Eric, her husband, had planned for friends to just start showing up until she figured it out that this was all for her special day.
Eric cooked burgers on the BB-Q, girls gabbed about this and that, kids ran around in their crazy frenzy - the way kids are when they're gathered as a pack. I had to get on the road just before sunset to make it home by dark.
That was the happy family picture that I left, and will always remember.
It was just about a half an hour before sunset when I had to go. Seems like moments after being on the road... Eric manned the swing that arced out over the water. We didn't know it, but the wheels of fate were already in motion.
Soon came an accident that transformed everything - It was a bad choice. Eric's destiny would reorder that day.
Weird and freaky things happen - we say 'Why me?' -
The fickle finger chooses... we know not who or why.
It then becomes our mystery until we die.
His intentions were for a happy day and he had done a great job.
Now, everything is different.
There are new priorities on the horizon.
The paths, the lessons, the experiences, the love of family and friends will all take on deeper meanings. It will be a harder life; paths turned by fate need more attention and study. But, come the trail's end the work done could become clearer as to what it was really all about.

This is a note in a bottle tossed into the vast Cyber-ocean

and if it reaches you, it was a fated thing.

Check out Eric's web. Help out if you can.

1 comment:

Richard C. Lambert said...

had planned for friends to just start showing up until she figured it out that this was all for her special day. tours on maui