Friday, August 31, 2007

Second Entry in Blog Phylosophy

How do overly restrictive controls cripple creativity?

The operative word in the former sentence is ‘overly’ restrictive. Can’t we just call some of them guidelines? ‘Them’ being the things that protect the creator and his original work. But then the argument could be, when the creation was original to begin with? Some say that everything has been re-done, re-told, re-formatted, and derived from the Greeks. Though the Internet is no by-product of anything, except maybe some great science fiction writers of the day. But they again probably commandeered it from some by-products of the Greeks.

Some governing is good. If it is done honestly, fairly, justly and for the good of the people it would be a good system. Then we argue what is good for some people is not good for another. Yet I’m not so sure we have done well so far. There will always been a ‘Human Factor’. As a species are we ready for self-governing. If it didn’t work well with a ‘human-factor’ at the helm what makes us think with no one at the helm but the ‘collective’ and the money makers that we’ll be fine now? And picture millions of ships at sea all sailing around without rules. It could get quite dangerous out there. All corrupt, greedful captains operating out there saying “My way or the highway.” The question still remains: “Are we ready to self govern? Can we handle the responsibility?”
Wise-up people! To read more about a Free Culture
to read more:
by Lawrence Lessig: 'Free' Quotes

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